First Presbyterian Church of Cartersville is a church with wonderful traditions, yet open to the wondrous newness that the Holy Spirit breathes into our lives.
At First Presbyterian Church you will find a congregation of over 385 active members giving of themselves generously to shine for the love of Jesus Christ in our community and world.
Whether it is in worship and praise, studying the scriptures in a small group or in Sunday school, or serving in one of our local mission efforts in our community, you will find at First Presbyterian Church a place where your Christian journey can be enriched.
As you navigate this site, we hope you will get a feel for who we are. We’d love for you to come and see for yourself what First Presbyterian Church has to offer you and your family.

Quick Facts about our Church
- First Presbyterian Church of Cartersville has 385 active members and is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA), which is one of the largest Presbyterian denominations in the United States.
- First Presbyterian Church of Cartersville was founded in 1843.
- The historic church sanctuary was built in 1853 and was occupied by the Union troops of General William T. Sherman during the Civil War. It was used as a livery stable for cavalry horses.
- We are an inclusive Christian community that welcomes all and excludes no one because or race, ethnic origin, worldly condition or for any other reason not related to profession of faith.
- First Presbyterian Church of Cartersville has members of all ages, from newborns to saintly seniors.
- Our core values are expressed as: joyful worship, spiritual nurture, faithful service, loving witness, and compassionate outreach.
- A pastor and 7 other full-time staff members, serve our church.
- 12 elders and 12 deacons, who are elected, ordained and installed to leadership for 3- year terms, lead our First Presbyterian Church of Cartersville. These elders and deacons, both men and women, represent the diversity of the congregation.
- First Presbyterian Church of Cartersville is known in the community for its many outreach programs that address human need. Such outreach ministries include The First Presbyterian Church Preschool and the Friendship Table (a free meal for anyone on Tuesday evenings). For a complete list of our church’s involvements, visit our Community Ministries page under the Ministries header.
What we believe
- Along with Christians throughout the world – Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox – we share the common belief in one God – Father Son and Holy Spirit. With all Christians, we also believe that God became incarnate in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, whom we believe to be the Christ.
- Along with all Protestant Christians, we believe that people are saved by the unmerited grace of God. We also believe the Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testaments to be authoritative for our faith and life, and God’s Word to us.
- With all Reformed Christians (that unique branch of Christians formed in Central Europe and Scotland during the Protestant Reformation, whose founding theologian was John Calvin), we share these essential tenants:
- The majesty, holiness and the sovereignty of God.
- The election of God’s people for service as well as salvation
- Covenant life, marked by a disciplined concern for order in the church according to God’s Word.
- Faithful stewardship that shuns ostentation and seeks the proper use of God’s gifts in creation.
- The recognition of the human tendency to idolatry and tyranny, which calls people to work for the transformation of society by seeking justice and living in accordance with God’s Word.
- For more information, please visit the Presbyterian Church USA web site at http://www.pcusa.org/